The QuickTime™ system extension, available from Apple Computer, Inc., allows you to add sound, video, and animation to your documents as easily as you now copy and paste text and graphics. If you are a registered user of Microsoft® Word version 5.0 for the Macintosh®, the Microsoft Movie Plug-In Module (PIM) provided on this disk allows you to insert and play QuickTime movies in a Word document.
This TeachText document describes some requirements for using QuickTime movies in Word and how to install the Microsoft Movie PIM. The disk provided with the release of the Microsoft Movie PIM also contains the following files:
"Microsoft Movie PIM" contains the software for the Microsoft Movie PIM commands used in Word.
"Letter to Grandma" is a Word document containing the sample QuickTime movie "David Evan."
"Playing Movies in Word" describes how to insert and play QuickTime movies in a Word document.
In addition to the Microsoft Movie PIM file, you must have the following system software:
• System 6.0.7 or later. If you are using System version 6.0.7, you must also have the FS6Patch system extension in your System folder.
• QuickTime system extension installed in the Extensions folder in your System folder (or in your System folder if you are using System 6.0.7). The QuickTime extension is available through your Apple dealer or by calling Apple Computer, Inc. at 1-800-947-5176.
Note that not all Macintosh models support 32-bit color QuickDraw™ graphics, which the QuickTime extension requires. The following Macintosh models DO NOT support QuickTime capabilities: Macintosh Plus, Macintosh Classic, Macintosh SE, Macintosh Portable, PowerBook 100.
The following Macintosh models DO support QuickTime: Macintosh SE/30 (only if System 7 is installed), Macintosh II series, Quadra, and PowerBook 140 and 170.
The quality of sound, video, and animation in QuickTime movies depends on the capabilities of your Macintosh. Playing movies and inserting movies in Word documents also require considerable amounts of memory and disk space. For more information about recommended system configurations, see your Apple dealer.
To install the Microsoft Movie Plug-In Module
1. Drag the Microsoft Movie PIM file to your Word Commands folder.
2. Drag the other files from the Movie Plug-In Module disk to your hard disk.
3. Drag the Movie Plug-In Module disk to the Trash to eject it.
4. Restart Word.
Installing the Microsoft Movie PIM adds the following commands to Word:
Movie (added to the Insert menu) inserts movies in the active document.
Edit Movie (added to the Edit menu) changes options that control how the movie is displayed and played in a document. This command is available only when you select a movie.
Play Movie (added to the View menu) allows you to play a movie in a window without inserting the movie in a document. If Play Movie isn't added to the menu, choose Commands from the Tools menu, select the Play Movie command, and click the Add button under Menu. Then click Close to close the dialog box.
When you select a movie in your document, you can also use the Object Options command on the Edit menu to change movie options and freeze a picture of a movie frame in your document.
For instructions on using these commands and playing movies in Word, see the Word document "Playing Movies in Word."